
Our Customer Stories

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How have we been helpful to our customers? What do our customers think about us? Let’s learn how companies have found us and the opportunities to develop and grow their business.

Jori-Matti Savolainen, CCO

"I think the experience was good and the cooperation was smooth and easy. Our HR told about the International Trade Expert Program organized by Business Savo which was new for us. The discussions revealed several new ideas on issues related to International trade. I recommend Business Savo as it was relatively small investment for us in relation to the help we received. Being a SME, it didn't require us to make a big effort and the things were much easier."

Paavo Käkelä, Founder & Owner

"The trainee from International Trade Expert Program has been very active and worked really well. We had a good luck because we got a trainee who has seen and experienced a lot. She is not only active but also not afraid to bring herself out."

Teija Niskanen, Director of Business Development

"The cooperation with Business Savo has met our expectations and we received the help to develop in Finland. Now, when it's a launch time so the need is emphasized. We have been satisfied."

Miia Eskelinen Fingerroos, Managing Director

"The cooperation with Business Savo has been flexible and easy. Questions and problems were answered quickly and the information was directed efficiently. We warmly recommend Business Savo's services to other companies as well. Petra finds the answers to all your questions as well as works quickly and efficiently."

Essi Sundman, Founder

"The collaboration with Business Savo has been really uncomplicated and rewarding. Petra has a strong professional skills as well as clear and pleasant interaction. She has been a great help in our projects and has developed our projects. I highly recommend Petra and Business Savo. In addition, we have found many other partners for our various projects from Petra's extensive network. She doesn't look at the time when the need for help arrives and even with her busy schedule, she is always ready to help and advise."

Timo Turunen, Managing Partner

"Business Savo's services have been professional and prompt. It was a very good experience. We will continue to use Business Savo's professional services whenever needs arrive. I recommended, I recommend and I strongly recommend!"

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